Five life-changing books for women
Do you want to change your life? Are you willing to read a book to learn life’s valuable lessons?
There’s no magical solution in any book but as long as you are willing to put in the work, you can transform your life. It’s through books that I was able to change my life and achieve goals in life, from career goals to life goals. For as long as I remember, I loved to read. After college, I started to read more strategically: whatever problem I had to solve, I will read a book to address that problem. I read self-development books, psychology books, how to manage relationships, leadership, management, emotional intelligence, etc.
I read between 2-4 books a month (depending on book size.) You can follow my YouTube Shorts to see what I’m reading. I have a relentless desire to learn, to be more, and to become a better version of myself. I hope this post inspires you to either read more books or to listen to books—whichever you prefer.
This book will:
Help you realize your SELF-WORTH
Teach you how to negotiate for yourself
Empower you not to be afraid to ask for what you deserve.
We as women are afraid to ask for more especially when it comes to our careers—next raise, next promotion or a new job. Not anymore! This book will give you tangible tools and tips to implement in your life. Remember, you don’t get what you ask don’t ask for.
Book 2: ROAR by Stacy Sims
This book will teach you how to understand and work with your female physiology (hello hormones and menstrual cycle) to improve your physical performance, overall wellbeing and be more confident.
1. This book teaches how hormonal changes during our cycle affect our wellbeing, our energy availability, and our ability to exercise. How did I come across this book? I’m a runner, I run half marathons and train for them and each run serves a purpose. And I noticed that some days my runs are easy, my pace is great and I feel great. And literally the next day I would barely move my legs. I thought maybe it was my fueling or lack of it, the time in the day (I was convinced I’m a morning runner) but turned out the key was the different stages of our cycle (bleeding stage/follicular stage, ovulation, or luteal stage) affect our energy levels, our body’s utilization of fat or carbohydrates for fueling, and therefore our wellbeing (hello, PMS).
2. Staying healthy and exercising is a lot harder when you are in perimenopause or in menopause, because our hormones work totally different versus when we are in reproductive ages. This book will help you understand these hormonal changes, what to eat and when to fuel your workouts to get the maximum. benefit
I wish I found this book years earlier—when you are 15-16–as this is a woman’s Bible for our own bodies.
Get this book for your daughter, grand-daughter, sister, friend or any other woman in your life.
BOOK 3. BOUNDARIES by Henry Cloud
This book is for you! It will teach you when to say Yes and when to say No, how to build boundaries with friends, family, kids, community, spouse, parents and FEEL CONFIDENT doing it. Please note, his book references to the Bible, faith and God. If you are not a person of faith and the mention of Bible makes you cringe, this book may be not be your best option. On the other hand, you don’t have to believe in God, in order to reap the benefits of this book.
Since this book was published and became such a success (over 2MILLION copies sold), the authors wrote many other books dedicated to specific aspects of life where establishing boundaries can help and they go deep in detail on each topic.
I think this book is the foundation for human relationships. First copyright is 1937 (cover pictures vary); it’s a timeless classic because these principles are so true today. This book is divided into four parts 1) Fundamental Techniques in Handling People 2) Six Ways to Make People Like You 3) How to Win People to Your Way of Thinking 4) How to Change People without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment. If you master these principles and techniques, you will enjoy great relationships with people in your life, your colleagues, boss, family, friends, neighbors.
I personally purchased three of Dale Carnegie’s books and still refer to them in everyday living for the practical and valuable advice he provides.
The fifth and last book on my short list is also from Dale Carnegie (book covers may vary). This book will help you to adapt healthy mental attitude that lead to security and happiness. The way this book is written is designed to help you understand the worry and then build solutions to overcome it: First the author helps you to understand why we worry, how to analyze and solve worry problems and how to break that habit before it consumes you and your life. Then he offers ways to cultivate a mental attitude that’s positive and will bring your mental peace. He shares multiple examples from life of other people that help you connect and relate to your own life, and to apply these techniques.
If you are an anxious person and worry a lot, this book will be very transformational for you. I read this book about 3 years ago when I noticed how worry and anxiety started to dominate my life —which was so unlike me, as I’m a very positive person—and since then, I haven’t let worry back into my life; if it creeps us, the book provided me with tools to cope.
Now, ask yourself: What do I want to change in my life? Am I willing to put in the work? As long as you are willing to apply these valuables lessons, you will improve your life. I hope you found this post helpful. Take charge of your life now!