How to Properly Set Goals

Do you want to reach your goals? The most common reason why people don’t reach their goals is because they don’t set them properly.

In this post, I share an easy 5 step approach to setting goals.

What is a goal? A goal is a specific target that we aim to achieve within a set timeframe and with defined steps.


Why specific? When you define your goal from an abstract term to a concrete term, you are able to visualize it better.

  • Example 1: I want to lose weight [abstract] vs I want to lose 10 pounds [specific].

  • Example 2: I want to read more books [abstract] vs I want to read 1 book/month [specific].


Ask yourself: How will I measure the progress? How will I know I’m making progress?

  • Example 1: I want to lose 10 pounds and will aim to lose 1 pounds per week [measure progress by weekly pound loss]

  • Example 2: I want to read 1 book a month and will aim to read 15 mins every day [measure progress by daily 15 min reading]


What steps do I need to take to achieve my goals?

  • Example 1: I want to lose 10 pounds and will aim to lose 1 pounds per week.

    • What steps will I take? 1) I will walk for 30 mins after dinner 2) I will not eat chips

  • Example 2:  I want to read 1 book a month and will aim to read 15 mins every day.

    • What steps will I take? I will read 15 mins in bed every night.


Ask yourself: Is it possible to achieve my goal in the timeframe I set? You goals must be realistic in your ability to achieve them. This is a very common mistake people make—their goals are simply not realistic in their nature, and therefore people give up too soon and don’t achieve their goals.

  • Example 1: I want to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks is UNREALISTIC goal. You are setting up yourself for a failure to begin with.

  • Example 2: I want to read 1 book a week. While this maybe realistic for a very few, this is UNREALISTIC for the majority.


Goals should come with a set time frame (duration) when you want to accomplish them.

  • Example 1: I want to lose 10 pounds in 3 months [time frame].

  • Example 2: I want to read 1 book a month [time frame]

This 5-step approach is mnemonic for S-M-A-R-T

This is how your final goals will look like using the 5 step approach:

  • Example 1: I want to lose 10 pounds [SPECIFIC] in 3 months [TIMEBOUND] and aim to lose 1 pound per week [REALISTIC, MEASURABLE] by taking the following steps [ACHIEVABLE]: 1) Will walk after dinner for 30 mins and 2) I will not eat chips.

  • Example 2: I want to read 1 book a month [SPECIFIC, TIIMEBOUND]. I aim to read 15 mins every day [REALISTIC, MEASURABLE] by reading before bed [ACHIEVABLE]

Now you are ready to set your goals and reach them!

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